Tuesday, May 27, 2008

McKinley is officially five years old! Here is her 2nd birthday cake for her extended family party.
This is our family home evening activity earlier this month.
We had to wait for a nice day to finger paint outside.
I'm not patient enough to do it inside.

So I haven't posted for a while. Some of you may not have noticed (since you don't see this anyway), but I have been using all my free time (nap times) trying to finish my latest project. Finally it is done! Here it is. In case you can't spot it, I finished the garage. I textured the ceiling, painted the ceiling and walls. Of course when you undertake this project you have to clean out the garage in the process. No I didn't do the floor yet. That will take more time and money that I don't have yet.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

branching out

For any who read this--Shelley-- I am also starting my own little families blog. You can look at kentandheathersfamily.blogspot.com


Monday, May 5, 2008

Hot hot hot!

What a nice, warm day it is! So this weekend, we had yet another Art class to attend. McKinley wanted to warm her crown to it, so before I said no, I said why not. Because, well, why not. So Sawyer and I walked around and looked at the flowers. He loved chasing the butterflies. He got close to one once. I took lots of pictures and then made them pose for some. I let McKinley wear her crown, because, why not. So here are some of my favorites.

Yesterday we went to Kent's parents house for Linda's birthday celebration. Kent put in a phone line, what a handy man.

Today we had playgroup (from the neighborhood) again. We went to Wheeler Farm. The funnest part for Sawyer was playing in that little stream. I must say though, I'm a little grossed out by all the running around in bare feet on the grass that is riddled with goose pooh. They will be getting showers tonight, not baths.

Tomorrow is supposed to be super warm again. I was going to go to Thanksgiving Point and do photos of all the kids. You may notice Hayden got left out of these ones. He was at home sleeping :) while Kent did some work around the house.
