Monday, October 19, 2009

Current Creek Fishing

We went to Current Creek this weekend with some friends for a little fishing. This was our fist official trip with the kids doing their own shore fishing. They had hook and worms. We had both our Nemo and Princess fishing poles out in the water. The princess pole was the most popular with the fish, although Nemo had a bite. Both girls were able to land two fish each. I don't know if Jon ever got to sit, he seemed to be running back and forth between the girls fishing poles and trying to get his out once in a while. He is going to have to teach me how to get the poles ready so he doesn't have to run back and forth so much.

You would never guess that our little bug girl is so squeamish around the fish. As you can see below she didn't want to have anything to do with the fish she just brought to shore. However, when they were strung on the string she would play with them in the water.

Kylee on the other hand seem very proud of her catch and wanted to hold it herself. She wanted to touch every fish that the kids caught today.

Halloween Pumpkins

After school we got out the markers and the pumpkins (from grandpa and grandma) and set out to decorating our pumpkins. We have not graduated to the actual cutting of the pumpkins, they are still content just coloring them.

Moab Trip

We went to Moab around Sept. 25 with Jon's neice's family. The kids favorite part was playing in the sand at camp. Of course we went on two 4 wheeling trails. One of them was a lot harder than expected. In my opinion we went the wrong direction, because the guide book said to come down the trail not up (which is what we tried). If we had come the other way we wouldn't have had the hard section to go up that we were wondering if we would make or not. But it was the most exciting part of that particular road. I guess you can't go 4 wheeling without a section like that.

This road is called Long Canyon and we drove it to Dead Horse Point State Park. It was harder than it looks and of course there was no way around the roughest part.

We went to Dead Horse Point and Canyon Lands They both had very pretty views. Brittany's highlight was looking for lizards. Kylee even found one I had to take a picture of.

These are called Shafer Switchbacks were on the road we took to Canyon Lands. We even passed some bikers riding up the trail. I think I would rather ride down than up on the bikes. We passed one person who was walking his bike up some of the switchback. Of course you don't have to take these roads, but they were there and more fun than the paved roads.

I think the road we drove down to get to our camp site was called Kane Creek Road. On this particular road are cave dwellers. I was amazed that people actually live in these caves. Some of the entry ways looked nicer than others, but I can't imagine that it would cost a whole lot to live there.